We support the collaboration and participation of patients and residents, legislators, government officials, healthcare providers and experts, media, and the private sector in regional healthcare policies and measures, working together as a unified entity to ensure the "equalization" (achieving the best possible state for all) of "patient outcomes" (health status, quality of life, social life).
「地域医療ビッグデータ入門~オープンデータで格差を均てん化しよう~」 We are now accepting applications for the course "Introduction to Regional Healthcare Big Data: Equalizing Disparities with Open Data." ○講義記録は、こちら。 https://www.hanioka.org/cont10/main.html
ロジックモデルを活用して医療計画等を策定・評価している自治体の担当者による発表を集めました。 (演者、自治体、レクチャー場所、年月日、演題、URL) We have gathered case study presentations from government officials who are utilizing logic models to formulate and evaluate healthcare plans.
評価クォータリー2024年4月号(第69号)に、寄稿「医療福祉分野の行政計画におけるPDCAサイクルを支援する活動~ロジックモデルと指標に対応したデータをセットにして提供~」が、掲載されました。 In the April 2024 issue of Evaluation Quarterly (Issue No. 69), my contribution titled "Supporting the PDCA Cycle in Administrative Plans in the Healthcare and Welfare Sectors: Providing Data Sets Aligned with Logic Models and Indicators" has been published. https://www.iam.or.jp/quarterly/ev069.html
日本評価学会の学会誌「日本評価研究:に「厚生労働行政における計画策定方法の進展-ロジックモデル導入状況の検討-」が掲載されました。 (下記から無料で全文が読めます) Published in the Japan Evaluation Society Journal "Japan Evaluation Research" The article "Advancements in Planning Methods in the Health and Welfare Administration: Examination of the Implementation Status of Logic Models" has been published. (The full text can be read for free from the link below) https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjoes/23/2/23_75/_article/-char/ja